Concept miniature Beauty Parlour based on 1920s Afro Haircare millionairess Madam CJ Walker in New York.

Click HERE to watch Elizabeth interviewed by Amber Ahmad in the Front Room, curated by Dr. Michael Mcmillan, at The Museum of the Home on ITVX (opens in a new window)

Photography above: Jasper Fry

Above, Tim Walker photograph reproduced by kind permission of the Tim Walker Studio. Miniature Ghanaian woman statue on top of a Georgian cabinet with African Wax Print fabric on the inside back panel, inspired by Vogue July 2005 photograph 'Lily Takes A Trip'.

Right: Miniature version of the 1970s Radiogram from The Front Room installation at The Museum of the Home. Curated by Dr. Michael McMillan:

Miniature Chair:The Beyonce

Left: Miniature version of the 1970s Drinks Cabinet (Height: 18cm) from The Front Room installation at The Museum of the Home. Curated by Dr. Michael McMillan: